Excited to test the limits of this new technology for real-time logic, I decided to build Categorcle, a toy web app that trains your creativity using GPT for backend logic. The game is akin to Scattergories; the player is given a category (e.g. “superpowers”), and must think of and submit items (e.g. “invisibility”, “super strength”). Months ago, I had an idea to build a game like this because I thought it could be useful for treating
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Prompting GPT is hard - here’s what I learned…
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Excited to test the limits of this new technology for real-time logic, I decided to build Categorcle, a toy web app that trains your creativity using GPT for backend logic. The game is akin to Scattergories; the player is given a category (e.g. “superpowers”), and must think of and submit items (e.g. “invisibility”, “super strength”). Months ago, I had an idea to build a game like this because I thought it could be useful for treating